The Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC) was established in 2010 as fourth partnership in the Northern Dimension Policy. The members of the NDPC are the European Commission and the Ministries responsible for culture in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden*. Since June 2024 Ukraine is an observer country of the NDPC.

The overall objective of the Partnership is to serve as a focal point for culture and creative sector** practitioners, experts, and policymakers, enhancing the capacity of the sector and its strategic role in sustainable development. NDPC serves as a knowledge broker and facilitator, providing a platform for knowledge exchange and the sharing of good practices.

NDPC has the flexibility to closely collaborate with both public and private organisations, establishing new initiatives and forming broader alliances. NDPC implements its strategy through project activities with 60+ project partners from all over Europe. We believe that forming dialogues and sharing knowledge is key to sustainable development — across sectors and across borders.


NDPC mission is to enhance the strategic role of the culture and creative sector in sustainable development across the region.


*  Since 8th of March 2022 the EU, Iceland and Norway have suspended until further notice all activities of the Northern Dimension policy which involve Russia. Read more.


** Cultural and Creative Sectors’ include all sectors whose activities are based on cultural values or artistic and other individual or collective creative expressions. The sectors include architecture, archives, libraries and museums, artistic crafts, audiovisual (including film, television, video games and multimedia), tangible and intangible cultural heritage, design (including fashion design), festivals, music, literature, performing arts, books and publishing, radio, and visual arts. Read more.